And please keep in mind some of my math isn't exact. I'm not perfect.
OK, so safeway again. Second safeway attempt! They are still having their mix and match 8 sale.
Step 1
On sunday I went to the safeway website and added a bunch of coupons onto my safeway card (i had no idea stores did that...but they can pick loads and loads of coupons off of their website and they will put them on your card)
Step 2
I picked out coupons that were all under 75 cents savings because I wanted to see them double coupon at my store
Step 3
Tried to find as many coupons that were on the mix 8 deal and were on the safeway website coupons
Step 4
So this is when I was like "oh man Clarke we are going to make money here". Oh and "clarke if we make money please grab some candy bars that are buy one get two free in the line."
So we went through the aisles inspecting my coupons.. trying to figure out what was mix and match 8... etc..
This is what we pulled
The toothpaste wasn't a planned purchase..Clarke spotted it with a coupon attached to the box!!!
- each item i had a manufacture coupon for (except for the rice sides)
- all items were on the mix and match 8 safeway sale
- the 3 cereals, the mustard, gillete soaps i also had coupons for ON my safeway card
So as you can see.. i'm doing pretty well.. in my head this stuff is going to be FREE FREE FREE wasn't. haha
Quick breakdown
Cinnamon Toast Crunch = 50 cents
Honey Nut Cheerios = 1.50
Regular Cheerios = 1.94
Rice sides = 89 cents
Dijon Mustard = 1.24
Toothpaste = 49 cents
Gillete Body shower = 99 cents a piece
Safeway card savings =10.81
Paper coupons =6.49
Safeway online coupons =2.55
Multiplied coupons =.50
Total of $20.35 savings
Percentage saved 70 Percent
ONLY PAID 8.37 for 8 items!
Here is my detailed breakdown
1)Cinnamon Toast Crunch = Originally 4.19 -1.70(mix8) -.50(safeway online)-.50(manufacture coupon) -.50(doubled coupon) = .99
2)Honey Nut Cheerios= Originally 3.99 -2.00(mix8) =1.99
3)Regular Cheerios= Originally 3.69 -1.20(mix8) -.55(safeway online) =1.94
4)Rice Sides= Originally 1.50 -.61(mix8) =.89
5)Dijon Mustard= Originally 3.79 -1.80(mix8) -.75 = 1.24
6)Toothpaste= Originally 2.99 -1.50(mix8) -1.00 = .49
7)2 Gillete Body Showers= Originally 7.98 -2.00(mix8) -3.99(manufacture coupon) =1.99 (99 cents piece)
Fun Story...
So after I finished checking out.. I was upset because some 17 year old cashier told me I couldn't use my one coupon. I didn't understand why.. So i went to speak to the manager (who will know me by name soon...and is amused by my coupon thing..i think)I explained the situation and he did his manager magic and gave me a dollar cash back! hahahaha!!!!! yaaaaaaa!!!
I will work on getting a photo of my local safeway manager. I'm not kidding he knows me at this point. I just explain to him I'm watching this show.. and its like a game for me. He just gives me these blank stares like...seriously? I don't care.. but i'm determined to make him enjoy this more..
It was a great help to have clarke come for this trip. i have only done one trip without clarke (at the cvs) and was panicy and sweaty the entire time.
Poor clarke.. he says its fun.. and he says he doesn't think i'm crazy.. i don't believe him though. haha.
Here is the lot!
Lot #3
Next week goal... more food...
this cracked me up!