I came home to some very uninspiring coupons! snoreeeeeeee.. I picked out a couple of deals and I was just so disappointed that I didn't even bother! I just decided to wait till next week.
To keep the energy up though.. I decided to make a coupon binder too! I NEVER NEVER thought I would be doing this! I thought the binder thing was super NUTS. And hey i'm not super nuts.. well apparently I am!
BUT BUT BUT.. it isnt' crazy...Seriously its been so hard to organize all these freaking coupons.. I have seen the light. For those of you who are wondering what these sleeves are...they are plastic baseball sleeves! I bought them for about 5 bucks at Target.
Here is a little video of my binder...
So anyway...I'm very lucky because Clarke has been collecting any coupons for me that come in the mail AND my father has been mailing me his coupons! How lucky am I???
My goal is to wait for TUESDAY because at BLOOM (grocery) on Tuesdays they double coupons up to $1.99... So I am going to see what I can make happen! Fingers crossed.
Coupon mania!!