I had this all very planned out this trip. In theory I would make 2 dollars on the toothpaste etc etc.. Of course other things went down..AND i'm still not exactly sure went down but here goes!
Lot #5
2 A1 Sauces = $1 a piece
4 Dixie Paper Plates = $1 a piece
4 Colgate Toothpastes = MADE 2 DOLLARS
6 Colgate Toothbrushes = $1.79 a piece (TOTALLY MESSED THIS UP..should have been 50 cents a piece)
1 Lipton Ice Tea = FREE
Total Saved = $33.50
Paid out of Pocket= 13.88 (but once I go back to Bloom to argue my case I should have only spent $3.14)
SOOOOO I have to get the courage to go back to BLOOM and tell them I was rang up wrong! And then they should owe me 10 bucks or so! by my calculations..
Story about Colgate coupons... So I get there and I realize my coupons is for Colgate ADVANCED not for the normal Colgate! So I was so upset.. thinking "omg this isn't going to work!!!" .. So i'm like ummm ummm ummmm walking around with the toothpaste.. and then i see this wonderful lady.. shopping with her toddler.. and her THREE inch ring binder of coupons! hahahaha! I say to clarke "oh god i'm going to ask her" and he looks at me and kinda goes and hides...I go up to the lady.. and I said "can i ask you a couponing question?" .. and she is like uhhhh sure.. I'm like do you think this colgate coupon will work...and she she looks at the numbers on the coupon and the numbers on the box.. and she said it should work.. the first 4 numbers have to match!!! (I had no idea on this one) but then she said BUT they are suppose to go by the text on the coupon! So she said .. I wouldn't try it but you can... SO I'm like ... I'm gonna try... and it worked kids... it worked..
Separate Trip to safeway the same day...So after my bloom trip... I realized ohhh i don't have a single thing to make for clarke for dinner... So I stop at the safeway.. and i go through my binder and pick a few coupons that I HOPE there are sales on... And I was lucky! The newmans salad dressing was on sale!
2 Newmans Salad dressing = 1.50 a piece (i think)
Visit my little list of things I have learned so far...List
You are my coupon hero! Screw Groupon!!