My first attempt at this couponing business was quite enjoyable. Basically, my intention was to get my toes wet and ease my way in. I printed off a few of the available coupons online, checked out a local sales circular, then headed off to score some deals! This is what comprised my first haul using coupons, and it was for a grand total of 6 bucks plus some change. Not too shabby! Here's the breakdown:
Suddenly Salad: originally $2.69 - $1.44 (sale) = $1.25 x 2 (purchased 2) = $2.50 - $1.00 ($0.50 coupon doubled) = $1.50 total or $0.75 each
Raisin Bran Cereal: originally $3.99 - $1.99 (sale) = $2.00 - $1.40 ($0.70 coupon doubled) = $0.60 total
Pops Cereal: originally $4.99 - $2.99 (sale) = $2.00 - $1.40 ($0.70 coupon doubled) = $0.60 total
Fiber One Cereal: originally $5.19 - $2.50 (sale) = $2.69 - $1.50 ($0.75 coupon doubled) = $1.19 total
Goldfish Crackers: originally $2.39 - $0.79 (sale) = $1.60 x 2 (purchased 2) = $3.20 - $1.10 ($0.55 coupon doubled) = $2.10 total or $1.05 each
Gulden's Mustard: originally $1.89 - $1.00 (sale) = $1.00 - $0.70 ($0.35 coupon doubled) = $0.30
My grand total for the 8 items was $6.29!
I can't wait to see all the great deals and savings that are in store for my friends and I. :)
I would like to comment on the fact that I think the name "suddenly salad" for a product is really dumb. haha. but i will be attempting to buy some of them this week too. what can i say its a HOT HOT HOT item!