I did end up bringing my binder with me. I hate hate hate bringing the binder but it is so worth it. I just go through each aisle and just visually scan for any sales and I can just go through my binder pulling coupons.
Every time someone walks by my heart rate goes up and I think to myself oh dear god... this isn't weird this isn't weird be calm be calm. I need to get over it... This feeling is very similar to when I was in college and might eat by myself in the college dining hall or dining alone in general...it didn't take too long to get over that anxiety...but very similar feelings.
Lot #6
2 Bagelfuls = $1.99 a piece ($5.98 retail)
1 Soy Milk = $1.89 ($3.89 retail)
1 Nesquick = 67 cents ($1.67 retail)
1 Sausage = 99 cents ($4.45 retail)
1 Grape Jelly = 99 cents ($2.99 retail)
2 Olive Oil Mayos = $1.50 a piece ($9.98 retail)
1 Best life margarine = $1.59 ($2.59 retail)
Lot #6 Continued
4 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaners = 0.49 a piece ($11.96 retail)
2 Dove Deodorant = $1.00 a piece ($9.18 retail)
Total Out of Pocket = $23.15
Total Saved = $43.00
Overall not too bad! I'm pretty happy! There were a few things I got that were not on sale but I didn't care because they were still good prices with coupons. I think next week or the week after I am going to aim to do a super low priced trip like Lillian.
nice job! :)